What is the course about?
The Birth Ready Pack is an online on-demand course designed to change your view about labour and birth. Our first impression of what birth is like, probably came from a movie and we all remember that screaming mum with a bright red face pushing out a baby. But that's all for show! There are ways to prepare for labour, both mentally and physically, to help you achieve a calm and comfortable birth. By its nature, labour is not meant to be painful and we use scientific facts to explain why and what you can do to have a positive birth experience.
The Birth Ready Pack is a full comprehensive hypnobirthing and antenatal course and consists of a number of short videos (most being about 2 to 10 minutes long each). You can sit back in your sofa or bed and log-in to your account to watch as many or as few videos as you like per day. This will give you the time to digest the information and prepare at your own pace.
The hypnobirthing element deals with mental preparation for labour and birth. It aims to turn fear and anxiety around childbirth into confidence by explaining how your body works during contractions and by teaching your brain and subconscious to relax during labour.
The antenatal preparation element covers all you need to know for the day of the birth, such as the breathing techniques to use at each stage of labour, what to expect from a vaginal or a caesarean birth, what pain relief options are offered at the hospital or clinic and what are the pros and cons of each option for you and your baby.
We have also included topics that we found interesting and think that you will too, like, how the dad's hormones are affected during the birth of the baby.
For more information on hypnobirthing and what makes our course unique, visit the FAQs page by clicking here.
What is hypnobirthing?
Some call it a pain management technique, others refer to it as positive thinking. It’s simple. Hypnobirthing takes away the element of fear around childbirth by using positive thoughts and by helping you understand, using evidence and logic based facts, why labour is not designed to be dramatic and painful as movies normally portray it to be.
Mums worldwide swear by hypnobirthing and it is widely used in the UK. Kate Middleton, Angelina Jolie and Jessica Alba are only some celebrities who have practised hypnobirthing and have talked openly about it.
There is also a relaxation element to all of this which is what is referred to as “hypnotherapy”. Don't worry, we won't be magically putting you in a trance-like state. For us, it is more like meditating. You may already be doing a variation of this when you’ve had a tough day. Maybe you dim the lights, light a candle, pour yourself a drink, take deep breaths and say to yourself that tomorrow will be a new and better day. The objective is the same, to learn to manage your thoughts and teach yourself how to relax and be calm.
Midwives are often blown away by the calmness of hypnobirthing mums during labour, as they tend to have a completely different attitude towards birth. That’s why a lot of midwives have also started looking into hypnobirthing, because they’ve seen that it works and they want to be able to help mothers during labour by using hypnobirthing techniques.
It doesn't matter if you are planning to give birth vaginally, by c-section or have an induction. If you are pregnant, hypnobirthing will help you have an empowering birth experience.
What's included?
- 4 hours of video content in English and illustrations (49 individual videos)
- 2 guided relaxation scripts for pregnancy and early stage labour (audio)
- Positive affirmations for pregnancy and early stage labour (audio)
- A completed birth plan that you can use
- A template birth plan that you can complete yourself and print, along with detailed explanations of options that you could include
- A document covering common questions about birth
- A list of suggestions of things to do once the contractions start
- A suggested list of what to pack for the hospital/clinic for yourself, your birth partner and baby
- Access to the pack for 12 months
Τι συμπεριλαμβάνεται;
- 4 ώρες βιντεογραφημένο υλικό στα Ελληνικά και εικονογραφήσεις (49 ξεχωριστά βίντεο)
- 2 αφηγήματα χαλάρωσης για την εγκυμοσύνη και τα αρχικά στάδια του τοκετού (ήχος)
- Θετικές επιβεβαιώσεις για την εγκυμοσύνη και τα αρχικά στάδια του τοκετού (ήχος)
- Ένα ολοκληρωμένο πλάνο τοκετού που μπορείς να χρησιμοποιήσεις
- Ένα προσχέδιο πλάνου τοκετού που μπορείς να συμπληρώσεις και να εκτυπώσεις, μαζί με λεπτομερείς επεξηγήσεις για τις επιλογές που μπορείς να συμπεριλάβεις
- Ένα έγγραφο που καλύπτει συνήθεις ερωτήσεις γύρω από τη γέννα
- Μια λίστα με πράγματα που προτείνουμε να κάνεις μόλις ξεκινήσουν οι συσπάσεις
- Μια προτεινόμενη λίστα για το τι να συμπεριλάβεις στη βαλίτσα σου για το νοσοκομείο ή κλινική για εσένα, το σύντροφο σου και το μωρό
- Πρόσβαση στο υλικό για 12 μήνες
Τι είναι το πακέτο Ετοιμασία Τοκετού;
Δες αυτό το βιντεάκι για μια γεύση για το τι ακριβώς είναι το πακέτο Ετοιμασία Τοκετού. Είναι μαθήματα τοκετού σε μορφή βίντεο μικρής διάρκειας που μπορείς να παρακολουθήσεις από το σπίτι βάσει του δικού σου προγράμματος.